Peter McEnery as Hugh Rua in The Fighting Prince of Donegal, Disney production (1966)
Red Hugh O´Donnell: an Irish hero just around the corner

Red Hugh, an Irish hero just around the corner

Every year thousands of americans of Iirish descent travel to Europe in search of their root

Mick Benoit


Miércoles, 10 de junio 2020, 08:32

There isn´t a country in the world that doesn´t have a national hero from history that even the most disinterested know something about. In Spain, it could be the fact that el Cid had a sword called Tizona. In England, it might be that Richard ... III was willing to trade his kingdom for a horse, or so Shakespeare would have us believe. And in Ireland, it might even be that Red Hugh O´Donnellwas the only person to ever escape from Dublin Castle. This was no mean feat and cost the Irish earl his big toes, which got frost bite as he fled across the Wicklow Mountains. Every child in Eire is taught this story at school, which means that the discovery of Hugh´s bones, buried below Calle Constitucion in the centre of Valladolid, just a stone´s throw from the department store El Corte Inglés, is big news indeed. It is arguably the biggest news since the remains of that very same Richard III were found beneath a supermarket carpark on the outskirts of the English city of Leicester, in 2012. (There´s still no sign of a horse, but, truth be told, he doesn´t really need one anymore.) 

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elnortedecastilla Red Hugh, an Irish hero just around the corner